If you wish to update your payment method or payment card details for your next renewal, you can easily do so via your SketchUp Australia Account.
It is important that you do so before your renewal is due so that you can continue to use SketchUp without interruptions.
1. Go to our homepage https://www.sketchupaustralia.com.au/ , go to "Sign In" on the top toolbar and select "Billing/Account Login".
2. Once sign in, go to 'My Subscriptions", then click on the tab "Change payment".
3. Select your payment method and click "Change payment method".
4. The next screen is where you'll need to enter your Paypal or Card details. Below is the screen to enter your card details. Once you enter your card details, click Confirm and pay. ( Paypal may have different prompts, however the steps are the same.)
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