If you are experiencing performance issues, please review our Hardware and Software Requirements. If your system meets those requirements and you are still experiencing performance issues these articles may help:
- SketchUp and OpenGL - An overview of OpenGL and why it's important when running SketchUp.
- Logitech Mouse Issues - A known issue, and a fix, for Logitech mouse performance.
- Unknown Graphics Card - What to do when your computer can't detect an installed graphics card.
- Graphics Cards and Drivers - Know what we mean when we refer to a graphics card or driver.
- Recommended Graphics Cards - Some recommendations and things to look for when it comes to graphics cards.
- Identify Your Graphics Card - Instructions on how a PC user can find their graphics card.
- Updating Graphics Drivers - Instructions on how to update your graphics drivers.
- Sticky Camera Movement - How to handle camera performance issues when a model is rendering.
- Troubleshooting ATI/AMD Related Crashes - What to do when you have an ATI or AMD graphics card and experience a crash when launching SketchUp, saving a model, or working in a model.
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